See, yesterday around 300 people gathered at Pusat Sivik in PJ for a candle lighting ceremony as a protest to ISA (and basically everything crappy of the country). While the participants were singing Negaraku, suddenly (jeng, jeng, jeng!), the police arrived (ok, my fault for being over-dramratic. I shouldn't used that effect since something like this is so common these days you should've seen it coming from 50 miles away). Our trusty friendly neighbourhood patrols dispersed the crowd while they were singing our national anthem to arrest basically everyone.
When contacted by Malaysiakini regarding the matter, the CPO Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar denied the accusation. According to him, the crowds were not arrested while they were singing Negaraku. Hey, our police have better sense then to arrest a peaceful crowd while the anthem is being sung.
However, when Malaysiakini presented to the CPO with (now I have to use "jeng jeng jeng") a video of the arrest made by one of the reporters (gasp!), he has only this to say:
"I deny it"
"I deny it"
But Mr. CPO, there is video proof. It clearly shows that the police arrested the crowd when they were singing Negaraku. Plus the crowd were not even acting violent or out of control like what you sugested many times in many other "illegal" assemblies (said with annoying whiny 5-year-old voice).
"I deny it"
But, but Mr CPO, how could you deny something like that? There's a video, and the video shows... people singing, arrested...police, candles....Negaraku....
"I deny it"
This brings the "looks like me, talks like me and sounds like me but not me" argument to a whole new level. Hats off.
Ahh, nothing like a really good joke to brighten my day.

Ahh, nothing like a really good joke to brighten my day.

I deny it, the new clincher. Win any argument with anyone, anywhere, anytime. The trick is be stupid enough not to realise how preposterous it actually is. Sounds easy to me.