Thursday, February 14, 2008

We're No Fools

2 days ago, the PM said with conviction to 27 million of Malaysians that the Parliament will NOT be dissolved tomorrow (which meant, yesterday). In less than 24 hours, he went totally one-eighty with his words and dissolved the Parliament right in our faces. All 27 million of us! If that doesn't make him one of the biggest fucking liar in the world, I don't know what will.

I mean, come on! Why do you need to do that? If you really wanna make a surprise announcement, there are much better ways of doing it than to FUCKING LIE!!! Do you, Mr.PM, really take us for idiots? Do you really think you could get away telling such blatant lies?

This is the latest string of event that showed how arrogant and corrupted our PM (and his party) is. This is not the 1st (and definitely won't be the last) time he lied to the whole nation. Is this the guy that we're suposed to look up to? The fact that he is incompetent as our PM (what has he done for the past 4 years again?) pales in comparison over his compulsive lying disorder.

When Abdullah first stepped into the office, he promised to wipe out corruption. And yet, corruption is at an all time high. Even the ACA is fucking corrupted! He promised to improve racial relations. And yet, racial tensions is at an all time high. He promised safer streets. And yet, crime is at an all time high. Price of food and oil is at an all time high. The only thing that is at an all time low is our unversities' rankings.

I am completely aware of the fact that we might not be able to reform the government completely. Think about it. Most of the Malays are in favour of BN. That makes 60% plus of them. Even if all the rest voted for the oppositions, BN will still hold a majority. But what we can do is to deny BN a 2/3 seats in the Parliament. Even if we can't do that, we could deny BN a landslide win and with that, maybe then they will realise that there is a major discontent among the rakyat and they will finally wake up from their deep sleep.

Think about it guys. This is your country. This is our government. Do you want to be ruled by corrupted autocratic morons? The time has come for a change. It is 50 years overdue.

Vote smart.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a bit too rebellious la ur article