Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin

When Hindraf and Bersih rallied to protest, the PM opposed vehemently to their actions, saying that it is 'not our culture to demonstrate openly' and that demonstrations would only lead to violence. Some of the protesters was even detained under the ISA. Apparently, there are other avenues for them to voice out their disgruntlements.

Then, barely a week after DAP took over Penang, UMNO held a 1000 strong protest in front of KOMTAR after Lim Guan Eng made a statement about NEP. Through all this, Pak Lah never said anything.

When Lim Kit Siang made a pact to boycott the swearing-in ceremony of the new Perak MB from PAS, Pak Lah defended the Sultan's decisions by demanding Kit Siang to respect the Constitution.

Yesterday, 22 BN state representatives decided to boycott the Terengganu Sultan's to apppoint Ahmad Said from BN as the new MB. Their first choice, Idris Jusoh, also from BN was snubbed by the Sultan. The drama deepens Ahmad Said was sacked from UMNO for not rejecting the Sultan's proposal.

And now Pak Lah said that the appointment is 'unconstitutional'.

I'll leave it to you to decide the moral of the story.

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