Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Time to Stop Thinking 'Race' and Start Thinking 'Malaysia'

I am still recovering from the aftermath of the mother of all shockers 3 days ago. I still could not believed that the oppositions won this big, even denying the 'all-mighty' BN 5 states and 2/3 seats in the Parliament. This is definitely a new dawn in Malaysia's political scene.

But the biggest achievement of this GE is not that the opposition were able to prove themselves to be substantial alternatives to the ruling coalition, but rather the emergence of a new kind of political party in Malaysia. For the first time, a truly multi-racial party proved victorious in finding relevance in the hearts of Malaysians. Yes, I'm talking about the Anwar-led Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

PKR is not the first party in Malaysia that is constituted by the nation's all 3 major races. Formed initially as a protest against the unjustified arrest and conviction of our ex deputy PM Anwar Ibrahim on charges of corruption and sodomy, it had matured into the strongest opposition party in the country. The proof? It won 31 seats, as compared to the predominantly Chinese's DAP (28 seats) and the Islamic PAS (23 seats). It single-handedly shattered the concept of 1 race 1 party concept held by most politicians. This shows that all Malaysians, no matter colour or creed, believe in one thing; justice for all. PKR should be the model of all political parties in the future. Stop fighting for causes along racial lines. Stop using cultural and religious diversity as an excuse to true national unity. Stop the racial stigmas and stereotypes. The future of Malaysia belongs to all of us.

I look forward to the day when I will stop calling myself a Malaysian Chinese, but just a Malaysian.

Finally, thanks to all of you who voted for a change. Malaysia Boleh!!!

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