Sunday, March 16, 2008

DAP: Stop Acting like Cina-peks!

Seriously DAP, stop acting like Cinas from the 60's. For humanity's sake you guys are not impressing anyone by posing as Chinese heroes.

What's with the outburst? The problem is with DAPians like Teng Chang Kim. It all started when he defied royal ruling and refused to wear a songkok for an official palace function. Apparently, wearing songkok will erode his Chineseness and make him a Malay. So, he refuse to put a songkok on his head less he will be labeled a 'Chinese traitor'.

How about wearing a Western suit? That won't make you a mai kok chak, huh? Why don't you go around wearing Mao-suit from this day onwards to protect your Chinese identity (Mao Zedong would be proud I'm sure). Yeah, that means no T-shirts, jeans and basically anything on sale in departmental stores for you since they are all not Chinese too.

Please fucking wake up. How long does DAP want to go on with its Chinese agenda? How long does it want to portray itself as a protector of all Chinese rather than of Malaysians? And to make a fuss out of a headgear? OH PUHLEESE!

Dear Mr. Teng, you might feel proud of upholding and protecting your 'Chinese roots', but I am just ashamed that I share the same skin colour as you.

Read these posts by Raja Petra in Malaysia Today to get a clearer idea of the whole story.

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