Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Struggle for Power

Well, well, well. Looks like the oppositions are showing their true colours.

After winning big in the GE as a result of a 3-sided alliance, supposedly putting their differences aside, cracks are beginning to show in the pact. The first of them could clearly be seen from the Perak MB soap-opera.

It all started when Lim Kit Siang of DAP openly rejected the appointment of PAS' Mohd. Nizar Jamaluddin as the new MB of Perak. Apparently, PAS went behind DAP's back and nominated Nizar to the Sultan without DAP's consent. Kit Siang even went as far as to plan a boycott on the swearing-in ceremony. Although a day later Kit Siand made a formal apology and retracted his statement, the damage has already been done. Personally, I've had enough of DAP's PAS and Islamo phobia. When will DAP realise that it could not thrive as a Chinese-centric party in a multi-racial country?

Then it's PKR's turn to stir up some drama. After DAP accepted the decision to appoint Nizar as the new MB, PKR decided to pull out from the state's executive council on the basis that DAP made a secret pact with PAS and now, DAP holds 8 out of 10 places, leaving the other 2 for PKR and PAS. Apparently, the original deal was DAP 6, PAS and PKR both 2.

What the hell is this? It's barely a week after the rakyat had given you the mandate to take over the state and this is how you repay us? By fighting like kindergarten kids? Give me a fucking break. It's time to focus on the welfare on the people, and not bitching about who gets what. What happened to the promise that the opposition will work together regardless of ideologies? When they were campaigning, DAP, PKR and PAS were seen happily holding hands and now they are are stabbing each others' backs?

Stop this bickering at once. Remember, just like we voted out BN this time, what makes you think we can't do the same to you the next time around? Start proving that we made the right choice.

Side note: PAS will never be able to make an Islamic state out of Perak. First of all, it doesn't hold a majority in Perak. Second, PAS has ditched the idea of forming Islamic government since the last election (where they lost heavily) It's simply not their agenda anymore. Third, to create an Islamic state (with fully implemented Islamic laws *cue chopping hands and penises* and etc), PAS needs to change the Constitution. Which means it needs at least 150 seats in the Parliament. It doesn't and will never hold that amount of seats. So stop the paranoia now!

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