Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The New Cabinet: Smells Like Shit

Pak Lah had just unveiled his new list of Cabinet Ministers and (surprise, surprise) Muhammad Muhammad Taik... oops i meant Taib is on the list.

For the uninitiated, Mr Muhd. Taik (damn, I meant Taib) was caught some time ago in Brisbane, Australia trying to smuggle out a total of RM 2.4 million in cash (apparently, the money was intended for furnitures for his new plush Gold Coast home).

Well, if you think that's all, you definitely do not know Malaysian (specifically, UMNO) politicians very well. Further investigations revealed that:
  • he was building a RM2 million Gold Coast home at Sovereign Islands in the name of his wife, Asbi Rohani Binti Asnan
  • he had (and still has) a RM5 million ranch in Queensland in the name of his wife, Asbi Rohani Binti Asnan
  • he had paid RM16 million as a divorce settlement with Tengku Puteri Zahariah Bte Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah (Ku Yah).
***obtained from Lim Kit Siang's webpage

How did a humbly-paid Malaysian politician manage to posses that amount of personal properties? The ACA was then sent to investigate but staying true to the Malaysian way, the whole thing was swept under the carpet and forgotten in no time.

And now, Muhd. Taik (GOD!!! TAIB! TAIB!) is being made the Rural and Regional Development Minister. Maybe Pak Lah hoped that he will donate some of his properties to develop the rural areas and their people?

Read this article to get to know more of our prolific new minister.

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